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Single Family Dwelling w/fenced in yard

2 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
1000 - 1200 sq. ft.

Red Springs, NC 28377

Two bedroom, 1 bath, spacious kitchen, large den with deck leading from the den door. Den has laminate flooring (brand new) Refrigerator, hook-up for washer dryer. Fenced in back yard. House was built in the late 60's. Excellent for anyone with a pet since yard is completely fenced in. Trees in back yard for shade. Good neighbors-nice community to live in. UNC-P University within 10 miles of Red Springs. Pets allowed with understanding a $200.00 non-refundable pet deposit will be required.

Monthly Rent


Rent Includes


Air Conditioner Deck Fenced Yard
Refrigerator Off-Street Parking Yard

Lease Period

12 Month

Photos Not Provided

Contact: John or Jill McMillan
Phone #: 910-740-4162
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