This Furnished Apartment has 1 family bedroom and 1.0 bathroom. It is located at 1502 Spreckels St Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. The nearest schools are Kaahumanu, Washington and Mckinley. The area is near many restaurants and is close to transit. The unit has a dishwasher and large closet space. The amenities include a disposal, drapes,, fitness center, sauna, jacuzzi, locker rooms, laundry room,squash court,ping pong table, court yard, elevators, dry-cleaning service, recreation area and a garage located in the building. Please if you are in the neighborhood drive/walk by the house and acquaint yourself with the neighborhood and exterior of the home. If, after driving by, you would like to see the inside of the home, please email me to set up an appointment to view the property.